Felt making

Bookmarks Felt pendant figures

Bookmark Felt Sheep reinforced with wireBookmark Felt Dwarf reinforced with wireBookmark Felt Kitten reinforced with wireBookmark Felt Frog reinforced with wireBookmark Felt figure PenguinBookmark Felt Mermaid reinforced with wireBookmark Felt Bear reinforced with wireBookmark Felt figure ElephantBookmark Felt figure ElephantBookmark Felt figure Snow womanBookmark Felt figure Puppy

Item: C1604

Theme: Russia

Material: Felt

The size of the pendant figures is 4±2 cm, with the string approximately 30 cm long, except for heart-shaped bookmarks. The latter ones are designed for miniature books or small notebooks.
String bookmarks bound into a book are placed at a required page, with their small pendant relief figures sticking out of a book and serving as its adornment.
The figurines are made in the technique of felt embossing. Some of them are reinforced with a wire, which allows you to bend their parts (see their picture captions). 



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